Grand L'eau
Grand L'eau is an isolated mountain village about 2 or 3 hours from Gonaives.
Grand L'eau has only limited contact with the outside world. In order to buy food or supplies the people have to walk or ride a donkey about 4 miles to the nearest town, Ennery.
Since the only road to the village is so rough and crosses several streams, it is almost inaccessible by most vehicles, even with 4-wheel drive.

Church and School
The church was started by Sainsurin's father.
A new sanctuary was built in 2002. About 150 people gather from their mountains homes to worship each Sunday.
The school has about 200 students and meets in 6 new classrooms and the church building.

Elriste Janvier
Elriste preaches at Grand L'eau Christian Church and is the Director and a teacher at the School.
He and his wife, Dot Carmene, have seven children.
Elriste requests prayers:
-That he has the wisdom and knowledge to pastor the church. -That the church would grow.
-That he can educate his children.