If you would like to be a part of what God is doing in Haiti, please consider a gift to Gonaives Christian Mission. Churches can write checks to MAP designating GCM as the recipient. Individuals desiring a tax write-off can write a check to Adventure Christian Church designating GCM or Gonaives Christian Mission as the recipient. For more info on cash gifts, contact Wyburn at the link below.

You can also give stuff. Antioch Christian Church in Decatur, IL bought this beautiful 4 wheel drive pickup for GCM. Please check with Morry at the link below to find out what is needed and the costs for shipping and import duties before you give stuff as they can be considerable.
If you have more time than money, you can still help!!!

-You can pack backpacks or school supplies for the kids in Haiti. Contact MAP to see what/when we are shipping.
-You can volunteer for a mission trip to Haiti. Various groups conduct trips to GCM each year. Check with MAP about upcoming trips:
Christian Missionary Fellowship (CMF) goes every year and does great work.
Here is a link to their page:
-Sainsurin helps White Fields Evangelism with the Jesus Loves Me Orphanage in Gonaives. Perhaps you can join them on a trip to visit the kids. Here's a link to their website:
Please pray for Gonaives Christian Mission. A good place to start is prayer requests of Sainsurin, Marie and the preachers and leaders. We have highlighted a few.
Sainsurin requests prayers:
-That God will give him the wisdom and health to lead the ministry and draw more souls to Christ.
-That the ministry would be equipped financially to help the people of Haiti know God and live a better life.
Marie requests prayers:
-That God will provide support for her efforts to feed homeless kids and the elderly and those in his church who are very poor.
General ministry needs and prayer requests:
-That the Haitian government can make people safe from the gangs and provide electricity.
-That inflation can be controlled and that we can give all the workers more money to keep up with rapidly rising prices.
-Prayers and support for feeding programs in the schools to feed the hungry children.
-Prayers that the ministry will be able to spread the gospel and God's love with more and more people.
-Prayers for completion of bathrooms, septic tank and water tank for the Gonaives School.
-Prayers for the family of Renauld Odalus, the Gros Morne preacher who died in May 2023 that God would comfort and bless them.
-Prayers for God to raise up a new preacher for the Gros Morne Church.
-Prayers for funds to stucco the church building in St. Michel to protect the walls from disintegration.
-Prayers for funds to build classrooms for the school in St. Michel so we could serve many more children.